Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

This day has flown

I don't know how 17 hours can fly so fast. It has been a great day and I talked to a lot of people today about MPM. I made MANY follow up calls although I only connected with a couple. One who had said she wanted to get started the other day but never signed up. When I called today she was very glad I did. I asked if she had gotten back to the link I sent her and she said yes, she had. I then asked if she was ready to get started and she said yes, what do I need to do. I explained how to go back to the link and sign up for her own mall. She does not have internet access at home right now so she does it from school and the library. She said when she got to school today that she would sign up. I told her I would give her a call in the morning to go over how to get her started. This may be a little harder then most because she will not be able to be on a phone and the computer at the same time. I told her I want to get her to a place to be able to get her service back at her house. I know she wants this and needs it. This afternoon I got an e-mail saying Lisa had requested more info. Again, I think this one may be a little more work, but I know her why and I would love to help her reach her goals. I will call her back in the morning and help her get signed up for real this time.

Tomorrow I have a call scheduled w/ The National MS Society to talk about #'s. They are meeting with their National office face to face and they want to discuss MPM. I have been working with the National MS Society for 8 years now, they are a second family for me and my family. I have been talking to them about MPM since Oct. 2007 or there about. The President, Chris has said to me since day 1 "Why wouldn't anyone do this?" - my sentiments exactly. He has been behind me 100%, why wouldn't they be, it brings in money for their chapter, but... the National office took control away from them just as they were about to get started. They were told the national office was looking into several options very much like MPM and would get back to them. Now more then a year later they still have the breaks on. Chris and I touch base at least every other month if not more often. He always asks about MPM and I always keep him updated. Just before the end of the year I called them and said look, here is whats going on, it's time to get you all set up and running. Then when the new Free NPO WC Mall was released I went back again and said lets get you signed up today. I have never pushed this on them but this is huge and can help them in such a big way. And yes, I'm a little selfish, I want to help them find a cure for MS! So tomorrow I will go over #'s with Chris so that next week he is ready to take the bull by the horns. Who knows maybe I will fly to Chicago or where ever the meeting is so they can see my passion for this and that is is coming from my heart.

That's it for tonight! See you all on the call tomorrow.


  1. You better make sure to get on a jumbo jet Jacki. I don't know how such a big heart can be in such a little person but you are awesome! And, lots of love will be riding with you! I would say good luck, but that would suggest that you needed it. So, I will say congratulations!

  2. Hi Jacki,

    So glad that migraine didn't keep you down long. You have amazing stamina, that's for sure ;-).

    Did your new team member find a computer and get herself signed up? Let her know what a huge commitment she is making over and above those of us who do have a computer and Internet in our homes to grow her business. I love what Ginny says about it: ANYONE can succeed in having a business from home with My Power Mall. She intended it to be that way 'cause she saw too many people in her last company try and put effort and money and time out to see zero results. She adds, that although MPM is for Everyone, that those who have extra odds, such as your new team member, they will have to work that much harder. What this means to me is that the person will be stronger and more successful because of it.

    Great news about the MS Society. Like Richard, you've been nurturing this relationship for a long, long time. It just goes to show that when your heart is in the right place, the amount of time it takes means nothing because the relationship is most important. Yet, when the opportunity presents itself, the rewards are greater that could ever be imagined.

    Have a great weekend, Jacki. ;-)

  3. You do have an amazing heart. I am so impressed all the time what an amazing woman you are. I just love your enthusiasm. I don't know how you do what you do.
    Jacki some of the recordings for the boot camp I cannot click on. I missed Friday night. Bad me. I want to hear it. You know I cannot do without it. I am going to miss the boot camp.
    Tina from ny
