Since I flaked once again on my blog last night I decided it would be best to do it during the day. So here is what has happened so far...
I made 4 new contacts called back 8 follow up calls and even talked to a few. One did not think this was for her so I offered her a Personal Mall and she excepted. One of the contacts I made today is looking at the video as I type and we will see how that works out. I rescheduled all of the follow up calls that I didn't reach and now I am off to make more COC contacts.
See you all on the call tonight!
March 9th
15 years ago
Jacki, You were back at'em with grace and focused intensity last night. You ROCK! Great job on the personal mall! And, lest I've fallen through a crack, please update me on "COC Contacts." Is that Chamber Organizations . . . Thanks ;-).