Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Monday, January 26, 2009

What to say about today?

Today I had done a few follow up calls and had not reached anything but answering machines, yes Ed, I have joined your world. I did however get a call from Chris at the National MS Society to let me know he did get the #'s I sent over for his meeting this week.

The rest of my day was spent on working on TWCCTW and MPM items. On the M Team call we got to see the finished project of the marketing videos that are now available as of tonight. I have a few ideas to get over to Ginny but as you all heard on the call tonight she has several more already in the works. This is going to be huge for our members and TWCCTW. I can only imagine how many children we will be helping this year as the company grows.

My bigger project today was to get a plan together for our new radio show. I'm not going to give it all away before I go over the plan w/ Ginny but this is something I am so excited about. With the radio show and all of the social networking we are looking at doing as well as all of the blogging everyone is doing this company is about to explode and I can't wait to be a part of the charge that sets it in motion.

That is all for today, I will talk with you all tomorrow.


  1. I told Ginny tonight in a thank you note that it feels as if we're about to reach The 100th Monkey Effect with MPM. It feels incredibly exciting ;-).

  2. Big Z, you are right. I am so excited too. Jackie, that is great! I can't wait for it to unfold. I keep saying that, then when it unfolds there is always more to unfold and more to unfold. Ginny just keeps it coming and you just as fast as she. I just cannot imagine what's to come. It truly feels like the company is going to explode. I know with myself, I have been feeding the pipeline and getting a little frustrated at times. But, I know that something is brewing,and it is going to start boiling up. I feel it coming. Just have to keep following up. People are just too busy and don't realize what this is. When they do they will be sorry they did not do it sooner. Have a great week!
    Tina from ny

  3. You rock Jacki. And as Tina said... I FEEL it coming. An old Indian prayer says that we should never pray FOR something... we should FEEL it as though it is already done :-) It is soooo wonderful that the feeling is spreading :-) Thank you so much for everything!
