Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Big Day for me and MPM

Today was a great day. I have not made any new contacts today or even been able to do follow up but what I did get done for MPM made it a great day and I chose to make it a great day! As I was listening to the podcast of when Phillip telling his story he called me, timing is everything. Thank you Phillip for putting things into perspective.

My big news today was launching the Blog Talk Radio for the PM calls. I can not wait to see what I can come up with to take MPM into every house with a phone OR a computer.

This week will be great for all of the boot campers and I am so glad to see what they have been doing.

Hope you all have a great evening and I will talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it was pretty fantastic to have the 1st evening Boot Camp call on BlogTalk Radio! Good job, Jacki! I think I was your first guest, but I haven't logged in yet . . . therefore, I was waving to you through my monitor ;-).

    I really like the ease of downloading the shows AND, being able to listen to any portion of the call by moving the bar left or right with my cursor. Helps me get to a part of a call that I want to hear again, or take notes on, much more quickly.
