Happy New Year everyone. It has been a very nice and needed break over the holidays but I am so ready to make 2009 everything it can be. I like that my family got to hang out and enjoy a lot of family time over the past two weeks but there is something to be said for getting back into a routine.
What have I been doing? Well, I have set up my New Year letter that is going out in the morning, just a few more to put into envelopes. I have set my goals for the rest of the boot camp. I have put together a plan of action and ready to run. Did I procrastinate? Yes, to be honest I did and it was on purpose. I know just how powerful the new presentation is going to be and it is going live tomorrow. You better believe I will be shouting from every roof top and in the middle of every McDonalds (yes, Richard that was just for you) to go take a look at the opportunity of a lifetime. Does that sound a little extreme? I don't think so, you know why? Because where else can you make money on every purchase you make? Nowhere! I have 3 small kids with 3 different schedules and I work about a zillion hours a week so when my husband decides to either work for a zillion hours at his office or heads out of town for a few weeks I feel a little like an arm has been cut off. I have one of those husbands that even though I complain about he saves my behind more then I can count. He runs by the store on his way home from work more often then I can count because I have not moved away from my computer long enough to even think about dinner. He helps around the house and with the kids. If I need to do something he is there for me.
One of the things I hate to do most now-a-days (remember 3 little kids) is go grocery shopping. I can ignore the "I wants" (mostly because my kids don't do much of it) but what I can't ignore is that there is no room for food once I put the kids in the cart so it's just a great excuse to not go. Well... guess what? I needed things from the store and my husband will not be able to go to the store for me for a bit, so what did I do? Well, I'm resourceful AND I'm smart. I know I can go onto my mall and go to peapod and make a grocery list AND have it delivered tomorrow, did you hear that? DELIVERED tomorrow. I don't know if I'm more excited about having my groceries delivered to my kitchen again (I used to use peapod before when they were on the mall - I'm am soooo happy they are back) or because I just made money on buying my groceries! The funny thing is because I used peapod and a promotional offer I got an additional $15 off my order. If you would like to do this too, just ask me how.
So do I think this is really the opportunity of a lifetime? Yes, yes a thousand times YES! Anyone that doesn't see it is crazy, at least in my non professional opinion.
Here it to a new year, 2009 is going to be explosive.
March 9th
15 years ago
Thank you Jacki! If Peapod were in my area, I would be shopping for my groceries online too! Maybe soon!
When we first signed up for MPM, one of the first stores I looked at was Peapod. I'm with Jewel--- If we had one, I'd be using it weekly ;-).