Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I had a great tilte but...

OK, I have to admit, I have the worst memory of anyone I know anymore. I used to have a mind like a trap but these days... what was I saying? Oh yeah, I was talking with Susan Huffstutler today and something we were saying really struck me as a good title for today's blog but of course I can't remember what it was since it was more then 9 or 10 hours ago. Susan will remember and I will be able to tell you tomorrow, if I remember to :)

Now onto my day. It was an action packed as always. I attended the calls, contacted local businesses about advertising (had to leave MANY messages but spoke to some), sent follow up e-mails and intro letters out. Spoke to so many of the "Campers" and Alternates - that really fills my days lately and called all of my contacts from the past two weeks. I answered countless MPM e-mails, bugged Owen (our Tech guy) many more times then he would have liked to request reports that apparently make his head spin and got some other requests from him back quickly. Speaking of which, I said I would send all of the camper's an e-mail tonight about how many hits you have received on your foundation mall site. Since I am tucked into my cozy bed with my laptop and my "real" computer is downstairs wit the info I need I will e-mail myself right now to send it in the morning. I bet you are worried I won't remember to do that either huh? Well I already e-mail myself so no chance!

When I looked at my calendar for tomorrow I realized I have 5 straight hours of conf. calls in the morning - early afternoon and then 2 more tomorrow night. I think tomorrow may have to be a 2 or 3 Starbucks day and I will have to hit it early to make my contacts before cementing the phone to my ear for the day.

I am looking forward to making more new personal contacts tomorrow and then working on new business contacts in the afternoon. I do love my job and its a good thing.

Time to turn off the lights because the kids will be up not too long from now.

Sleep tight,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacki,
    I figure my ability to remember everything disappeared when I gave birth to my son--- and then, my brown-with-some-red headed self seemed to turn blonde (oooh, sorry if I offend anyone with that joke). I know it's not true about real people, just the blonde jokes played upon real people ;-)
    As a Mom, I don't know HOW you're doing all you do. But, you are. And, I, for one, admire and appreciate your heroine-like skills. AND, you still have time for stained glass? You, GO, Girl!
