Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hello Boot Campers

Hello everyone, it was another great day. I do love talking to people and finding out just what they would do with some extra income. Everything from paying bills, helping family to going on a vacation this year or putting it in savings. Some just want to be able to pay off their credit card bills after the holidays.

I also love the days when you are just going about your day and people basically just walk up and say, can you help me, it's a really hard time financially right now and I would love to give you my contact information and talk to you about what you are doing. Now did they really say those words? NO but... during a normal conversation people are telling me how hard this Christmas will be, how their kids will be so disappointing, how they are having a hard time paying their every day bills no less the extra expenses involved with the holidays. To me it sounds the same and I am so glad I do have what they need? In these cases I didn't have to ask what would you do with $2000? They are already telling me. I don't have to ask them to do me a favor, they are asking me for help. I am so proud to be with a company that offers help to anyone just doing exactly what they do every day, it can't get any better.

Not only did I make my contacts today but I also spent a lot of time working on things for all of the members. While Ginny was getting extremely sick today from food posioning (she thinks) she was able to hear the crys from the members. I sent her an e-mail explaining that I can't see her heart in the current presentation. If you have worked with Ginny at all you know she has a heart of gold and I just wasn't seeing it in the current presentation and after the call last night I knew I was not the only one. Guess what? Ginny once again did it. While she was getting sick she also rewrote the presentation. Can you believe it? How does she do it all? She does it all because she wants us to have everything we want and she wants us all to be so proud of the company we work with and she wants that to show. So I went over the new presentation and then it was sent on to the rest of the M Team for their comments and edits. We always get things worked out from every angle with the M Team because its such a dirverse group. Then guess what campers... you will get to take a look next. Then you will be able to give your feedback, this is your chance to have some input.

I also had the chance to help redo the NPO letters that you will all be using. Sandi had already gone in and did all of the updates so I really didn't have too much to do but it was really nice to know these will be updated and in your back office soon and they will be a powerful tool you will have at your finger tips.

Add in the boot camp calls, M Team call and all of the calls with many of you participants and alternates and my day has been more then full. How about you?

I hope you are all having such fun with meeting new people and connecting with those you know. It has been fun for me. I have simply started asking Do you buy groceries? How about gas? Do you know anyone else who does? Great, you can run a successful business.

Everyone have a great evening, I will talk to you on the call tomorrow.


  1. I am so incredibly THANKFUL for you!!


  2. Wow, Jacki, what a day. I like your opening line, "Do you buy groceries or gas?" I sure wish I could use that one here in Canada. I know I will someday as soon as AMEX comes here. I think most of the people in the USA should be able to use that line. Good one!

  3. Hi, Jacki,

    I just love reading your blogs because they sound just the way you speak. Your focus, your heart, and your passion inspires me every single day!

    Your friend,
