Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 1 - Featured Participant Jean Lachowicz

Along the way I will be featuring some of your blogs so be sure they are entertaining and check often to see if yours is the one I highlighted for the day. Today I am posting Jean's Blog from yesterday; Day 1. Thanks Jean, your doing a great job and I look forward to all of your ideas that you are writing in your little Boot Camp Notebook!

Jeanie's Beanies

What a fun day!
A great morning phone call with wonderful people and amazing ideas, then a package containing five MAGIC BEANS in a magical little pouch came to my mailbox! Wow! I feel them working already.
As we come to the close of our very first day of World Changer Reality Boot Camp, my mind is racing (in a good way) and my energy is flowing. I love the simplicity of our new course of action: all you need to do is talk to five people a day, get five World Changers to sign up per week, and the funds will start rolling in.

I love that there is no guesswork about how much shopping people will actually do each month or whether they will be able to hold onto their mall. There is no guesswork about someones commitment when we take this approach because everyone is investing in their own business, and it would be just plain silly to pay into the WCM every month without signing people up under you to recoup the investment. Beautifully simple.

Right after the call this morning, I had to run out for an appointment with one of my website clients. I had an opportunity to discuss MPM with her and her partner. When I returned home, I called three other business associates. I would love to be able to report that I made my goal on the first day to have one sign-up, but unfortunately I cannot do that. However, there was interest from four of the five and that was very encouraging!

I've started making a list of people to contact, and I was actually toying with the idea of starting up a conversation with someone on my subway train, but the chemistry didn't seem quite right (I don't think I chickened out--just figured it might be best to wait until the right people come along).
At this point, I am confident that I have a good supply of people to contact to make my goal of five per day. I make notes in the margin of my "official" Boot Camp notebook, because my ideas are really rolling during the call.
So I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed, a little bit tired, and A LOT excited about tomorrow. I don't have any appointments besides the Boot Camp call, so I think I'll be able to get a lot done.
Until tomorrow,

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